Welcome to Grace.
It can be a little intimidating coming to a new church, especially if you’ve never been to one before. Nobody likes feeling like they don’t belong. After all, people belong before they believe. We want to make sure you feel comfortable before you even sit down.
Our services are at 10 AM every Sunday, and they’re pretty casual, so whatever you wore on Saturday will be just fine for Sunday.
So here’s what you can expect:
We have a singing faith. Before each teaching time, our worship team leads us in several contemporary songs of worship. We also close each service with communion while the worship team leads us in a final song.
We want everyone in our service to feel completely undistracted when it comes to singing to God. We try to strike a balance with the volume so it’s not too loud, but also not so quiet that someone might feel self-conscious singing with abandon to our God.
I hope you like kids, because we have a LOT. Every service, all the kids are invited to the front of the church to pick out a toy. We want our kids to have great memories of church and to feel comfortable being up front in our church. Some of our worship leaders used to be kids that came forward to get toys.
After they choose their toy, we pray for our kids and dismiss them to their Sunday School classes.
We believe that the Bible is the infallible and unfailing Word of God. It isn’t just some book written by men dead and gone. It is alive and powerful.
Because of that, we believe that it is relevant to our lives today. Every week, we teach from the Bible to learn what it says about God, ourselves, our relationship with Him, and how he wants us to walk in this life.
We believe that the most important parts of church don’t happen during a service; they happen before and after.
After each service, we have a time for coffee and snacks and hanging out and talking about life downstairs.
Also, if you’re going through a difficult time, we have a special time for prayer after the service. Just come to the front fo the church to meet with some caring folks who want to listen to you and pray with you.